Bee's OC Compendium

A list of my OC's and short summaries on each one! Some come with completed carrds!

OOC and Rules

Hello my friend!
My name is Kat and I am 22 years old with she/her pronouns! I have been roleplaying for about 2.5 years now in the FFXIV RP scene and I am rather chill with most people. Feel free to approach, I promise I do not bite.
CST timezone
I prefer 21+ role-players please. MINORS DNI!!
I am currently in college and getting a degree in business along with playing a college sport so I am a busy bee! Please be respectful of my time and I will be respectful of yours. I greatly value my own free time and same with others as well.
Another thing to keep in mind is I own my own rp venues and work at another on an alt character so I will have evenings that I can be found at these venues or if you wish for my time outside of a venue, please just DM me or send me a tell. I am quick to respond and would be happy to set up a day and time.
Discord: katrainthetrain
Here are da RULES
Consent is Key with me. If you have any questions about any subject matter you wish to write with me that you are unsure about, please ask. I am always willing to listen.
Please respect my boundaries with anything that I state I find uncomfortable. This also includes IC does not equal OOC. I am happily single at the moment and do not have time for that so please respect my wishes.
I participate in more mature RP with dark themes sometimes. If you wish to write private scenes with me, you agree that you are 21 or older before we even begin.
I write just about anything from intense battle rp, sexual themed rp which includes BDSM/ kinks if you so desire along with dark themed rp. As long as you communicate what you want with an rp with me and draw boundaries where needed, we can have a great time roleplaying together!
I have a life outside of this game and a college degree to finish so please be respectful of my IRL obligations.

A confident and warm Xaela lady from the Azim Steppe and now runs a social lounge in the Lavender Beds and her cafe/healthcare spa in the Mists. She loves reading, cooking, giving kindness to others, loving her son, is a happily married woman with other partners as well. She has traveled the world and hopes to keep traveling more in the future, for now, she has settled down only a few years ago and created her cafe to provide a place for wayward travelers and lost souls to enjoy a cup of tea and a bit of comfort food with her.

Nao is a gentle and timid Xaela man and only son to Bee Fujimoto. He is fully blind, but has succeeded as a very successful weaver and makes fully custom kimonos for the geisha houses in Kugane. He is married to a fierce and beautiful Xaela woman named Kenji that he loves so much words cannot describe. He is as sweet as a button and always loves making new friends.

Atticus is an alchemist from the Deep Shroud that creates all kinds of potions, draughts, ethers and so on, and especially poisons. He is a man who cares not about his body and drinks the poisons he creates, for sheer entertainment. Maybe that is all that he is...but who really knows?

Yuto'ra or Yuto as he likes to be called is a scruffy little cat all the way from Kugane who came by boat to Limsa to learn the craft of gold smithing. A little rough around the edges, but with a big fluffy tail to balance out that little attitude. Offer him a beer while trying not to touch his tail and you might land yourself a loyal friend or a cute cuddle buddy.

Maple is a big, happy go lucky Rava man from the Golmore forests that acts like a frat boy and sort of just wanders about, hops on carts and boats and does whatever he wants, commits petty crimes and doesn't wear shoes. Despite his loud voice and party attitude, there is more to him than meets the eye.

Francois is as sad and pathetic as he looks so see how long you can last without making him cry on the first meeting, you are surely to lose. As much as he is a constant crybaby, he is a well renowned doctor in one of the top hospitals in Ishgard and is known for his amazing work as a medical professional and a midwife.

At first glance, E'zio is a rather short miqote with a face that could make a child cry and a cute bobtail that doesn't seem to match this angry looking man. Despite him being a short grumpy old guy, he is quite sweet and loves his husband dearly. A retired gleaner from Sharlayan who married a ditzy and soft scholar from the Studium, they live together in Sharlay and enjoy their days together in their old age, E'zio cooking and cleaning as a house husband and his beloved a professor in the Studium.

Don't let the dark markings and scales fool you, Oktai is much less intimidating than he looks. A content Xaela man that left the Steppe when he became an adult to forge his path wherever fate took him. Somehow, that landed him a lifelong career as an expert carpenter, owning his own wood shop in Ul'dah and adopting 5 children from the streets of the city state. A pure chance encounter led him to a fulfilled life full of his wonderful kids and a job he loves. But, he still loves meeting new people and creating new bonds.

Did I make them after the idea of Ube? Yes I did and I named them Taro because I can. As cute as can be and as bubbly as soda, this fashion lover and icon will talk your ear or horn off about clothing and design. They are new to the world, hailing from Kugane and wanting to branch out, try new things and maybe start a fashion line in their future.

Kisne is a quiet half lopped eared bun from Dalmasca who usually keeps to himself. Arms made of olden metal and parts unknown to most magitek or mechanics and always wearing a mask, good luck to those who wish to try and crack him open...but play your cards right and you just might get lucky enough to see what lies beyond the mask.

Oh would you look at that! You have found the sneaky little fox! A odd and very eccentric elezen man named Reynard or Rey for short, with a love for playing silly little tricks with his aether, drawing on special slips of paper and using his magic to make the words or drawings come to life for his own entertainment. If you enjoy riddles, games and puzzles, this is the man for you. Though don't push your luck, the grinning man always remembers. He will never forget. Watch your back now.

Oh how far you have fallen to find yourself here, right in the heart of the circus. Crixus is my genderfluid viera who runs a bloodsport circus called the Black Ring where the greedy and wealthy may watch as the circus freaks kill or be killed by monsters of all kinds that are brought into the ring. As horrid as that sounds, Crixus only finds the most odd, undead, immortal and insane to be in their circus. Why not come in...and met the circus? You might be truly surprised...

There is always a jingle of in this man's step, coat lined with odd treasures and coin for the taking. A somewhat proud pirate that takes as he likes, says what he wants and sails where he wants. If you are looking for some weird and magical item or treasure, Avery is your guy for the job...or he may already have something that catches your eye. Why not take a chance and have a look hm?

Despite his stern look and tapestry of scars along his face, this little middle is just a humble sea merchant, trading his people's blacksmithing goods from port to port. He speaks not a word, using only sign language to communicate his thoughts to whoever may be listening. His full name is far too difficult to say for most Eorzean folk so he will ask you to call him Willow. Who knows what tales he has from sea...why not ask and see what he has in store for you?

In need of a butler? Someone to clean your living space or maybe walk the halls of your spooky manor? This rather tall and bored looking cyborg might be just what you need. A man who knows not of his own past, wandering from master to master in hopes of finding his purpose, Baron is a rather strange elezen by Ishgard's standards. Currently under the employment of a strange scientist. Will back hand you across the face with his glove if you annoy him enough or speak out of turn.

Unsure of his future and running from the place he used to call home, Raion is just a big ole lion fish looking for new places to explore and possibly somewhere to hide. Scales and tail coated in venom, but all the Raen wants to do it rid of the thing that causes him and others so much pain. Maybe you could help him rid of his venom once and for all and maybe even give him a chance at a somewhat normal life...maybe.

A rather bookish and somewhat nerdy Hrothgal stands before you with little glasses, but a big smile to boot. A woman from Tural that is always willing to lend a helping hand. Come by her lady tea parlor and have some snacks, maybe a nice ginger tea and she will even set you up with some medicine if you aren't feeling well. Don't worry about the door to the downstairs. That is none of your business little mouse.

What are you doing here? You've gotten this far, have you? How delightful. Something drew you to this particular creature, something strange and dark for you to end up at the creaking shoes of the Doll Maker. What you might find might unnerve, frighten or even allure....wouldn't you like to find out more? Take his hand, you won't regret it...I hope....